13. Finding and changing texts

13.1. / Find / function

This function allows you to find the text that begins with a given string of characters. Each time the function is called, the next text is found, until the end of the drawing, and then from the beginning, i.e. the first text. This function is available from the main menu and in the auxiliary menu from which it can be performed while another function is being performed.

/ Find / function can be called from auxiliary menu at any time.

13.2. / Change texts / function

The AlfaCAD main menu includes the function / Change texts / that allows you to change texts according to a given pattern, or perform automatic numbering, what in fact means - indexing of the existing texts.

Two options are available:

/ Change texts /
/ Automatic numbering /

Each of the options requires selecting texts to be changed in the manner generally accepted for most AlfaCAD functions, where the available options of the auxiliary menu also apply, such as

/ last Block /
/ All texts /
/ Cross / Window / {F9}
/ Add / Remove / {F10}

13.2.1 Changing texts

After selecting texts, the next step is to enter the following parameters in sequence:

  1. Search (existing string, here named as "A")

  2. Replace with (target string, here named as "B")

  3. changing pattern :
    * A * → * B * (means changing the string " A " to " B " with the admission of any prefix and suffix)
    A * → B * (any suffix)
    * A → * B (any prefix)
    A → B (change of complete strings)

  4. Modification way :
    Change All
    Confirm each

13.2.2 Automatic numbering

After selecting the texts, the next step is to enter the following parameters in sequence:

  1. Search (existing string, here named as "A")

  2. First symbol (target string, referred to here as "Bx" where "x" is the first integer number of the symbol string)

  3. changing patter :
    * A * → * Bx * (means changing the string " A " to " B " with any prefix and suffix allowed) - A * → Bx * (any suffix) - * A → * Bx (any prefix) - A → Bx (change of full strings)